Disorders that a mother has after giving birth to a baby are referred to as postpartum disorders. Not every new mother will experience this circumstance.  Postpartum disorder is dependent on certain circumstances and surroundings, much like every other disorder.

Post-partum depression (PPD), postpartum anxiety, post-partum blues, post-partum psychosis, post-partum haemorrhage, post-partum infections etc. are a few examples of the different post-partum disorders.

Symptoms of PPD

Depending on how bad the disorder is, some of the following can be signs of postpartum disorder:

  • a lot of changes in mood
  • change in hunger
  • losing interest or enjoyment in things
  • Trouble sleeping; fear of hurting oneself or the baby; bad-smelling fluid from the uterus (PPI);
  • Pain or soreness in the lower abdomen
  • a lot of crying
  • hallucinations/delusions/confusions

Treatments for PPD

At the beginning, it’s best to reassure the patient that they are not alone and that help is possible. The way each person is treated is different.

Some popular ways to treat problems after giving birth are:
 Counselling and therapy, like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), can help to reduce and manage postpartum problems.
Self-care, especially regular exercise, a healthy, balanced diet, and getting enough rest, can help a lot with postpartum problems.
Talking to people around them, especially their partner, about what’s on their mind can not only help them get better faster, but it can also make their relationship stronger.

Getting professional help from a mental health provider who specialises in postpartum problems is the best thing to do in these situations. Our Hapinus Care centres at Trivandrum and Calicut with their dedicated care and assistance will provide you with expert guidance and support needed during this critical time.

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